
Application Area

Biomass power

Using plant fuels such as straw, rice straw, sugarcane bagasse, and wood bran to burn in a boiler, the steam generated drives a steam turbine to generate electricity. The burnt wood ash can also be used as fertilizer. The types of biomass power generation steam turbines are generally condensing, extraction, back pressure, extraction, etc. The product complies with the national standard GB/T5578-2007 "Specification for Fixed Power Generation Steam Turbines".

It is mainly suitable for various inlet parameters with a power below 60MW, an inlet pressure of 8.83MPa, an inlet temperature below 535 ℃, and a speed of 3000r/min or 3600r/min.

The outlet parameters of this type of generator set boiler change rapidly and are unstable; The requirements for the main engine and regulating system of the steam turbine are high.


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  • +86-0532-86125216(Drag)
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  • +86-0532-86127031(Accessories and major repairs)

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  • +86-0532-86125426
  • +86-0532-86125999

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  • +86-0532-86125341

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  • +86-0532-86125799

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  • jn@jnpower.com

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