
Procurement Notice

Tender Number: JN220901

Tender content: High speed tool steel, standard GB/T9943-2008, material W18Cr4V, required quantity: 1 piece for Φ 125 * 4000, 2 pieces for Φ 140 * 3000, and 2 pieces for Φ 145 * 3000. If you are interested in bidding, please send the company's business license (copy with official seal), legal representative authorization letter and other information to the following email address. The registration deadline is before 17:00 on October 9, 2022. The subject of the registration email is "JN220901 High speed Tool Steel Bidding Registration".

Contact information: +86-0532-86125162

Contact: Manager Cao from the Group Tendering and Procurement Center

Contact email: jnjtzbcgzx@163.com

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Next:Tender Number: JN220902


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